Watch History TV Shows Online

Thanks to the enthusiasm of history buffs, historical nonfiction has been a staple of cable programming since the explosion of new cable networks in the 1990s. In the late 1990s, historical programming was everywhere - it even had its own network in The History Channel - and you could be sure to find a documentary about World War II or the Civil War somewhere on your TV dial, no matter the time of day or night.

The History Channel debuted back in 1995, and in the beginning the network's programming was made up entirely of historical documentaries. The bulk of the programming focused on U.S. history, and there was an emphasis on military history. After a rebranding in 2008 that shortened the network's name to simply "History," the programming focus changed, as well. Historical documentaries still appear on occasion, but the majority of History's programming is reality-style series, pseudo-documentary paranormal series and other non-history-related nonfiction programs.

Despite History's deviation from its original mission, there's still plenty of historical nonfiction television being produced. Other cable networks such as the National Geographic Channel, History's spin-off Military History and FYI (formerly The Biography Channel) still air historical nonfiction specials, and historical subjects are still popular as specials on PBS and as stand-alone, independently produced features.

    The Long Song
    The Long Song
    Masters of the Air
    Masters of the Air
    Peaky Blinders
    Peaky Blinders
    Downton Abbey
    Downton Abbey
    Finding Your Roots
    Finding Your Roots
    The Great
    The Great
    Time Team
    Time Team
    American Experience
    American Experience
    Air Disasters
    Air Disasters
    Jackie Robinson
    Jackie Robinson
    CIA: Declassified
    CIA: Declassified
    John Adams
    John Adams
    Dark Side of the Ring
    Dark Side of the Ring
    The Civil War: A Film By Ken Burns
    The Civil War: A Film By Ken Burns
    Wolf Hall
    Wolf Hall
    Wu-Tang: An American Saga
    Wu-Tang: An American Saga
    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution
    The Wild West
    The Wild West
    House of David
    House of David
    Roots: The Next Generations
    Roots: The Next Generations
    Drunk History
    Drunk History
    Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery
    Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery
    The Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War
    The White Queen
    The White Queen
    Mr. Selfridge
    Mr. Selfridge
    The Italian Americans
    The Italian Americans
    Underground Railroad
    Underground Railroad
    History of Christianity
    History of Christianity
    Ken Burns: Jazz
    Ken Burns: Jazz
    Gangsters: America's Most Evil
    Gangsters: America's Most Evil
    Story of Kunning Palace
    Story of Kunning Palace
    The Bible
    The Bible
    The World Wars
    The World Wars
    Mysteries at the Museum
    Mysteries at the Museum
    I, Claudius
    I, Claudius
    American Epic
    American Epic
    Ozzy and Jack's World Detour
    Ozzy and Jack's World Detour
    A Thousand Blows
    A Thousand Blows
    A Gentleman in Moscow
    A Gentleman in Moscow
    The Men Who Built America
    The Men Who Built America
    A Small Light
    A Small Light
    Mail Call
    Mail Call
    Elizabeth R
    Elizabeth R
    A.D. The Bible Continues
    A.D. The Bible Continues
    Bomb Girls
    Bomb Girls
    The Strongest Man in History
    The Strongest Man in History
    Joseph Smith Papers
    Joseph Smith Papers
    Ken Burns: American Lives
    Ken Burns: American Lives
    The Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad
    The Six Wives of Henry VIII
    The Six Wives of Henry VIII
    Weird But True!
    Weird But True!
    The Cook of Castamar
    The Cook of Castamar
    Soviet Storm: WWII in the East
    Soviet Storm: WWII in the East
    The Scholar Who Walks the Night
    The Scholar Who Walks the Night
    My Classic Car
    My Classic Car
    History's Mysteries
    History's Mysteries
    America Unearthed
    America Unearthed
    Atlantic Crossing
    Atlantic Crossing
    The Selection: Special Operations Experiment
    The Selection: Special Operations Experiment
    Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Legacy
    Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Legacy
    How the Earth Was Made
    How the Earth Was Made
    Buffalo Soldiers
    Buffalo Soldiers
    America's Founding Fathers
    America's Founding Fathers
    Home Fires
    Home Fires
    Genealogy Roadshow
    Genealogy Roadshow
    Ken Burns: Prohibition
    Ken Burns: Prohibition
    Secrets of the Arsenal
    Secrets of the Arsenal
    Raven of the Inner Palace (Original Japanese Version)
    Raven of the Inner Palace (Original Japanese Version)
    Les Miserables
    Les Miserables
    The Naked Archaeologist
    The Naked Archaeologist
    Walking with Prehistoric Beasts
    Walking with Prehistoric Beasts
    The Roosevelts: An Intimate History
    The Roosevelts: An Intimate History
    Small Island
    Small Island
    Seven Deadly Sins (2009)
    Seven Deadly Sins (2009)
    The House of Eliott
    The House of Eliott
    Constitution USA with Peter Sagal
    Constitution USA with Peter Sagal
    African American History
    African American History
    Killer Instinct
    Killer Instinct
    Presidents at War
    Presidents at War
    RFDS Royal Flying Doctor Service
    RFDS Royal Flying Doctor Service
    Disasters at Sea
    Disasters at Sea
    The Story Of The Jews
    The Story Of The Jews
    Shakespeare Uncovered
    Shakespeare Uncovered
    Cowboys & Outlaws
    Cowboys & Outlaws
    Johnny Cash: Song by Song
    Johnny Cash: Song by Song
    Presidents Day
    Presidents Day
    The Beatles: Get Back
    The Beatles: Get Back
    Eating History
    Eating History