Watch TV Shows on Animal Planet

In a world where humans generally rule, Animal Planet is a favorite cable station around the world that focuses on the animal, fish or underwater creature from the sea. Animal Planet is immensely interesting, and there is an animal show for everyone.

The station first went on the air in Canada in 2001, and was quickly picked up by cable, so the diversified programming went around the world. Earth is home to multitudes of species in the animal world, and the diversity is displayed when you watch the 24 hour Animal Planet schedule. Animals are shown in a variety of ways, which brings animal entertainment presented at its best. There’s pet drama, dangerous encounters with wild animals, sea creatures and other predators shown in their natural environments, and the human is never the star of the show.

Steve Irwin, who died in the wild that he loved, was one of the original wild animal enthusiasts seen on Animal Planet with Jeff Corwin following close behind. Both of these two adventurists found animals in their native environments and then took the audience in with them. Animal Planet will quickly allow you to find your favorite shows because one person’s furry friend freaks another too much to watch. A tarantula can be extremely nerve-wracking to some, to say the least. Some popular shows are My Cat From Hell, Tanked, Save My Pet, Too Cute!, Fatal Attraction Intervention and Infested! These, and many more, are on the schedule now.

    The Pool Master
    The Pool Master
    The Hunt For Hogzilla
    The Hunt For Hogzilla
    Ivory Wars
    Ivory Wars
    Preposterous Pets
    Preposterous Pets
    Alaska Battle on the Bay
    Alaska Battle on the Bay
    Treetop Cat Rescue
    Treetop Cat Rescue
    Give Me Shelter
    Give Me Shelter
    River Monsters: Jeremy's Favorite Catches
    River Monsters: Jeremy's Favorite Catches
    Yeti or Not
    Yeti or Not
    Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose
    Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose
    The Last Alaskans: Remote Access
    The Last Alaskans: Remote Access
    Life at Vet U
    Life at Vet U
    Treehouse Masters: Branched Out
    Treehouse Masters: Branched Out
    Tanked: Sea-Lebrity Edition
    Tanked: Sea-Lebrity Edition
    Life at Vet U: Extra Credit
    Life at Vet U: Extra Credit
    Monsters Inside Me: Extra Deadly
    Monsters Inside Me: Extra Deadly
    My Cat from Hell: Worst Cat-astrophes
    My Cat from Hell: Worst Cat-astrophes
    Pit Bulls & Parolees: Pack of Pits
    Pit Bulls & Parolees: Pack of Pits
    Walking The Nile
    Walking The Nile
    Ocean Warriors
    Ocean Warriors
    River Monsters: Legendary Locations
    River Monsters: Legendary Locations
    Monsters Inside Me: Epidemic!
    Monsters Inside Me: Epidemic!
    The Guardians
    The Guardians
    Monsters Inside Me: Brain Invaders
    Monsters Inside Me: Brain Invaders
    Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence
    Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence
    The Last Alaskans: No Man's Land
    The Last Alaskans: No Man's Land
    Animal Nation with Anthony Anderson
    Animal Nation with Anthony Anderson
    The Vet Life: Working Overtime
    The Vet Life: Working Overtime
    Tanked: Celebrity Scoop
    Tanked: Celebrity Scoop
    Monsters Inside Me: Til Death Do Us Part?
    Monsters Inside Me: Til Death Do Us Part?
    Dr. Jeff: Double Dose
    Dr. Jeff: Double Dose
    Finding Bigfoot: Favorite Excursions
    Finding Bigfoot: Favorite Excursions
    North Woods Law: New Hampshire
    North Woods Law: New Hampshire
    Missouri Mountain Family
    Missouri Mountain Family
    North Woods Law: Still Hunting
    North Woods Law: Still Hunting
    Tanked: Tank Madness
    Tanked: Tank Madness
    Yukon Men: Roughing It
    Yukon Men: Roughing It
    Bering Sea Gold: Dredging the Deep
    Bering Sea Gold: Dredging the Deep
    Alaskan Bush People: Alaskan Grit
    Alaskan Bush People: Alaskan Grit
    Alaska: The Last Frontier: The Frozen Edge
    Alaska: The Last Frontier: The Frozen Edge
    Insane Pools: Second Splash
    Insane Pools: Second Splash
    North Woods Law: Game Warden Files
    North Woods Law: Game Warden Files
    The Zoo: Bronx-Sized
    The Zoo: Bronx-Sized
    Lone Star Law: Behind the Badge
    Lone Star Law: Behind the Badge
    River Monsters: How to Catch a River Monster
    River Monsters: How to Catch a River Monster
    River Monsters: Legendary Beasts
    River Monsters: Legendary Beasts
    River Monsters: Pack Hunters
    River Monsters: Pack Hunters
    River Monsters: Best if the Beasts
    River Monsters: Best if the Beasts
    Expedition Mungo: The Crew Files
    Expedition Mungo: The Crew Files
    My Cat from Hell: Cat Facts
    My Cat from Hell: Cat Facts
    Tanked Magic
    Tanked Magic
    Raised Wild: Feral Encounters
    Raised Wild: Feral Encounters
    Edge of Alaska: Return to the Range
    Edge of Alaska: Return to the Range
    Animal Cops: On Patrol
    Animal Cops: On Patrol
    Monsters Inside Me: Game of Gross
    Monsters Inside Me: Game of Gross
    Pit Bulls & Parolees: Back to the Beginning
    Pit Bulls & Parolees: Back to the Beginning
    Lone Star Law: Texas Justice
    Lone Star Law: Texas Justice
    Wild Bear Rescue
    Wild Bear Rescue
    Blood Ivory
    Blood Ivory
    Animal Cribs
    Animal Cribs
    Intruders (2017)
    Intruders (2017)
    Canopy Kings
    Canopy Kings
    Dodo Heroes
    Dodo Heroes
    Vet Gone Wild
    Vet Gone Wild
    Predators Up Close with Joel Lambert
    Predators Up Close with Joel Lambert
    Killer Whales The Mega Hunt
    Killer Whales The Mega Hunt
    Into Alaska
    Into Alaska
    Big Cat Tales
    Big Cat Tales
    Hanging With the Hendersons
    Hanging With the Hendersons
    Evan Goes Wild
    Evan Goes Wild
    Fish or Die
    Fish or Die
    Big, Small & Deadly
    Big, Small & Deadly
    Whale Wars: Watson's Last Stand
    Whale Wars: Watson's Last Stand
    Gibbons: Back in the Swing
    Gibbons: Back in the Swing
    Give A Dog A Home Live!
    Give A Dog A Home Live!
    Gorilla School
    Gorilla School
    The Lost Kingdom of the Yeti
    The Lost Kingdom of the Yeti
    The Pack
    The Pack
    Project Puppy
    Project Puppy
    RSPCA: On the Frontline
    RSPCA: On the Frontline
    Stars To The Rescue
    Stars To The Rescue
    Vet on the Loose
    Vet on the Loose
    Wild Expectations
    Wild Expectations
    Little Giants
    Little Giants
    Ms. Adventure
    Ms. Adventure
    Wild Costa Rica
    Wild Costa Rica
    The Last Alaskans: Arctic Refuge
    The Last Alaskans: Arctic Refuge
    Mega Zoo
    Mega Zoo
    Wild Deep
    Wild Deep
    We Love Puppies
    We Love Puppies
    Into The Dragon's Lair
    Into The Dragon's Lair
    Battle for the Border
    Battle for the Border
    Battleground Rhino Wars
    Battleground Rhino Wars
    Celebrity Animal Encounters
    Celebrity Animal Encounters
    Into the Wild India
    Into the Wild India
    SSPCA: On the Wildside
    SSPCA: On the Wildside
    The Animals' Guide to Survival
    The Animals' Guide to Survival
    Amazing Animal Ads
    Amazing Animal Ads
    Life in the Canopy
    Life in the Canopy
    Taking on Tyson
    Taking on Tyson