Watch TV Shows on Our Happy Child Productions

Our Happy Child Productions is a producer of children’s DVDs for the ages of 1-5 years old. They also make educational shows for TV and CDs. The company was founded by Timothy Armstrong. One of their successful programs is the award winning The Wheels On The Bus.

In The Wheels On The Bus young children learn lessons with songs. This show uses puppets, animation and live action. The driver of the bus is Argon the dragon. Some of the lessons they cover are good manners, politeness, proper nutrition, how to share, and how to be a helper.

This company produces high quality family programming. It is presented in a fun and entertaining way while learning. Each episode takes you to a fun place like the zoo or a farm. There is a behind the scenes portion on each DVD to show children how the show was made. There is also a promotional for other films.

The items produced are especially good for libraries that are for small children. Young children learn while viewing these entertaining episodes. They are taught through singing and storytelling. The songs use a variety of different types of music that will leave you humming and singing.