Watch TV Shows on TBS

The Turner Broadcasting System also known as TBS is an American cable and satellite television channel with a variety of programs. The primary focus for this network is comedy with their slogan being Very Funny. Both Major League Baseball and Men’s NCAA basketball games air on TBS, making it popular among sports fans. Original sitcoms, as well as reruns of popular sitcoms, play as part of their regular programming schedule.

Some of the reruns include past episodes of Friends, Seinfeld, and Married with Children just to name a few that are still being played throughout the day. There are also many current and noteworthy shows like The Big Bang Theory, Cougar Town, and King of the Nerds. These are part of their prime-time lineup and make up the bulk of this channel's ratings. When Fox canceled the Very popular animated series American Dad, TBS decided it still had some life left in it and picked it up, bringing with it a large fan base. American Dad joins Family Guy and the Cleveland Show as part of this networks adult animated series. Comedian and writer Conan O'Brien hosts his late-night talk show every weeknight, where he interviews celebrities and jokes about current events.