Antiporno is a 2016 Japanese film directed by Sion Sono. The movie is a part of the Roman Porno Reboot Project, which aims to recreate the genre of Japanese erotic art films known as Roman Porno that were popular in Japan in the 1970s and 1980s. The movie stars three actresses: Ami Tomite, Mariko Tsutsui, and Fujiko. Ami Tomite plays Kyoko, a model and actress who is at the peak of her career. She is vain and self-centered and tries to keep her mask up at all times. However, as the film progresses, her past comes back to haunt her, and her facade slowly cracks.
The movie is set in an apartment in Tokyo, which serves as the backdrop for the majority of the movie. It is a minimalist space that is filled with modern art, and it sets the tone for the film's overall aesthetic. Sion Sono uses the space to well-advantage to create a feeling of claustrophobia, intensity, and unease.
One of the key themes in Antiporno is the objectification of women. Throughout the movie, Kyoko is constantly being objectified - by her director, her assistant, and even the audience when she is on stage. However, Sion Sono subverts this by giving Kyoko agency and the ability to turn the tables on those who seek to control and objectify her.
The movie also has a surreal and dream-like quality to it. There are elements of fantasy and magical realism that are interspersed throughout the film that keeps the viewer on their toes. There are moments of jarring violence and sexual content that are juxtaposed with moments of beauty and whimsy. This contrast adds to the overall mood of the film and makes it difficult to look away.
On the surface, Antiporno is an erotic drama, but it is also so much more than that. It is a commentary on modern art and the voyeuristic culture that surrounds it. It is a meditation on power dynamics and the way they shape our relationships with others. It is a celebration of female agency and strength, and a deconstruction of the way society views and treats women.
Overall, Antiporno is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that challenges the audience's perceptions of genre and storytelling. It is not an easy watch, but for those willing to lean into its weirdness, it is a rewarding and memorable experience.