Diana, 7 Days is a 2017 documentary-style film that recounts the seven days following the death of Princess Diana in 1997. Directed by Henry Singer, the film offers a glimpse into the private lives and emotions of the British Royal Family during those difficult days. It features interviews with those who were closest to the Princess, including her two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry.
The film opens with footage of the worldwide grief that followed Diana's death, showing how the streets of London were filled with flowers as people struggled to come to terms with the sudden loss of the beloved Princess. Viewers are then taken behind the scenes to witness the Royal Family's reactions to the news. The film narrates how the Queen and the rest of the family were initially hesitant to acknowledge or grieve publicly, but how public pressure forced them to pay tribute to Diana.
The film then switches to interviews with William and Harry, who recount their feelings and experiences during those seven days. They admit to feeling angry and frustrated with the public's reaction, and they recall the intense media attention they received. They also reveal how their father, Prince Charles, struggled to comfort them and support them during that difficult time.
In addition to William and Harry, the film also features interviews with many of Diana's friends, including Rosa Monckton and Julia Samuel. They speak of the Princess's kindness and warmth, as well as her incredible charity work. They also discuss how Diana was a devoted mother who always put her children first.
The film also touches on the controversy surrounding the sudden death of Diana and her boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed. It features interviews with some of the paparazzi who were following the couple throughout their last days, shedding light on how their obsession with her ultimately led to her tragic death. While the film doesn't point fingers or blame anyone, it does highlight the responsibilities that come with media power and the dangers that come with celebrity status.
The film's main focus is on the human emotions and experiences of those seven days, and it portrays Diana's death as a turning point in the lives of both William and Harry. For both young princes, the tragedy marked a shift towards a more public and charitable role, and it helped shape them into the figures they are today.
Overall, Diana, 7 Days is an emotional and impactful film that offers a unique perspective on one of the most significant moments in recent British history. It shows the world what it was like to be inside the inner circle of the Royal Family during a time of deep mourning and how Diana's legacy lives on after her death. The film will resonate with anyone who lived through that period or anyone who has ever been touched by the grace and warmth of Princess Diana.