East of Main Street: Taking the Lead is a 2015 documentary film that follows four Asian American actors as they navigate the entertainment industry and work to break down barriers and stereotypes. The film is directed by Erica Liu Williams and produced by the Center for Asian American Media. The four actors featured in the film are Melanie Chandra, Tobias Christian Wong, Michelle Goike, and Christopher Naoki Lee. They all have unique stories and experiences in the industry, but share a common goal of pushing for greater representation for Asian Americans in Hollywood.
Throughout the film, we see the actors discuss their struggles with getting roles that aren't stereotypes, dealing with typecasting, and the challenges of being a minority in the entertainment industry. They also discuss the importance of being true to themselves and their cultures, and how it can make them stronger actors.
One of the most powerful moments in the film comes when Melanie Chandra talks about the difficulty of going into auditions where the casting directors are not familiar with her cultural background or name. She shares the moment when she decided to change her name to something more "American" in order to seem more marketable, but eventually realized that she was sacrificing a part of herself in the process.
Tobias Wong also shares his experience of being an Asian American actor in the industry. He talks about being pigeonholed into playing certain roles because of his ethnicity, but wanting to have the opportunity to play characters that are outside of those stereotypes.
Michelle Goike discusses the importance of having more representation for Asian Americans in the media and the steps that can be taken to increase diversity in Hollywood. She also talks about her experience of growing up in a small town where there were very few Asian Americans, and how it impacted her perspective on her own identity.
Christopher Naoki Lee discusses his experience growing up as a biracial Asian American, and how it has affected his career in the industry. He talks about the challenges of being seen as "not Asian enough" or "not white enough" for certain roles, and the struggle to find his place in the industry.
Overall, East of Main Street: Taking the Lead is a powerful documentary that sheds light on the experiences of Asian American actors in Hollywood. Through the stories of Melanie Chandra, Tobias Christian Wong, Michelle Goike, and Christopher Naoki Lee, the film highlights the need for greater representation and diversity in the entertainment industry. It's an inspiring film that shows how each of these actors is working to push boundaries and break down stereotypes, and serves as a reminder of the importance of inclusion and representation for all.