Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is a 2008 documentary film directed by Nathan Frankowski and featuring actor and writer Ben Stein as its central figure. The movie explores the ongoing debate about intelligent design in public education and science, focusing on the notion that scientists and educators who advocate for intelligent design are being unfairly persecuted and silenced by the scientific establishment.
The film features interviews with a wide range of scientists, educators, and public figures who represent a variety of viewpoints on the issue of intelligent design. Ben Stein, who also serves as the film's narrator, interviews prominent advocates of intelligent design such as Michael Behe, Richard Sternberg, and Stephen Meyer. He also speaks with critics of intelligent design such as Richard Dawkins, P.Z. Myers, and Eugenie Scott.
Throughout the film, Stein argues that there is a widespread bias against discussion of intelligent design in the scientific community and that those who advocate for it are often ostracized, excluded from academic institutions, and slandered by their colleagues. The film also discusses the implications of the debate for public education, arguing that students should be taught about intelligent design as a legitimate scientific theory alongside evolution.
The movie begins with Ben Stein exploring the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, where he finds a display describing the origins of life that seems to heavily emphasize the theory of evolution and exclude any mention of alternative theories. This leads Stein to investigate the level of tolerance for alternative theories within the scientific community.
Stein interviews several proponents of intelligent design to understand what the theory is about and how it differs from mainstream evolutionary theory. Some of the proponents that he meets include Stephen Meyer, a philosopher and theologian, and Michael Behe, a biochemist.
The film also features interviews with several prominent scientists who are critical of the intelligent design movement, including Richard Dawkins, a well-known evolutionary biologist, and P.Z. Myers, a biologist from the University of Minnesota. These critics argue that intelligent design is not a scientifically valid theory and that proponents of the theory have failed to provide any evidence to support their claims.
Throughout the film, Stein presents evidence to support his claim that the scientific community is biased against the discussion of intelligent design. For example, Stein highlights cases of scientists who lost their jobs or had their careers impacted after expressing their support for intelligent design. He also argues that scientists who speak out in favor of the theory are often ridiculed and dismissed by their peers.
In addition to exploring the scientific debate around intelligent design, the film also explores its implications for public education. Stein argues that students should be exposed to multiple theories of origins, including intelligent design, as part of their science education. He also contends that the exclusion of intelligent design from school curricula is a violation of free speech and academic freedom.
Overall, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is a thought-provoking film that raises important questions about the relationship between science, education, and religion. While some may disagree with the film's central thesis, its exploration of the societal and political implications of the debate around intelligent design makes it a worthwhile viewing experience. The film ultimately raises important questions around the role of educators and researchers in society, and how power dynamics and entrenched beliefs can silence alternative perspectives.