If you are thinking that this is the movie that recently came out, you will be wrong as this was one of the first ghost rider movies that was produced based on the comic book. Staring as a new kid in school, Kevin Bailey appears shy and feels like an outcast, when he is attending this new school. However, as he is taking the bus ride home from school, a girl on the bus catches his attention, and they become friends during the bus ride. In the midst of making a new friend, she drops her pencil, and Kevin picks it up to return it, only to find that she is no longer there.
The plot thickens as he looks at the name, which is on the pencil, as he gets off the bus. The name Tracy Donnelly is on the pencil and this name will stick in his mind, as he finds out that his new own used to be owned by her parents. To make things even stranger, he finds out that the reason that they moved out of the house is due to Tracy. It seems that Tracy was killed in a bus accident, and the shock and trauma resulting in this accident was too much for her parents to endure.
The very next day Kevin sees Tracy once again, but this time she hands him a leaflet on school bus safety. As most people would guess, another bus accident is about take place, and Kelvin is the only one that can stop it. When the bus does meet an accident, Kevin must take the lead to bring the students to safety, before things spiral out of control. The movie might have a predictable story plot halfway through the movie, but the story line will leave a few questions in your mind.
Basing the movie on one of their comics might have been better, but over this entire simple movie brings together all the elements of the ghost rider. There is no over the top special effects, and the only real part of the movie where "Ghost" appears is the one that seems to be attracted to Kevin. One thing that seems to be lacking from the movie is a really cool bike to top everything off.