Ghostcircle went to the Mermaid Inn in Rye, England, to investigate one of the most haunted locations in southern England. Reports of various paranormal activities have been told by many generations of people who have lived there, and Ghostcircle recorded the ghostly stories from the current residents and staff of the Mermaid. Medium Patrick McNamara investigated the rooms which are the most active paranormal locations in the Inn, gathering names of the resident spirit presences in the hotel including a small child, a woman called Elizabeth Courtney, and a highway man called Jack.
Later that night Ghostcircle held a physical circle with the staff, and the current owners of the Mermaid. During the circle EVP voices were captured. A spirit called Jack, a highway man appeared and made his presence known to Patrick, and the spirit of Elizabeth Courtney appeared. Experience the reactions people had to the physical phenomena produced by medium Patrick McNamara where people could feel and see spirit presences in the room, including a transfiguration of Jack the highwayman over Patrick showing his pock marked face.
The phenomenon is produced with Photoplasm, a new form of Ectoplasm that is more sensitive to light and allow circle sitters to see phenomena in red and blue light. This is modern day Physical Mediumship in action.
Ghostcircle Physical Mediumship - The Mermaid Inn is a 2013 documentary with a runtime of 1 hour and 18 minutes.