Hari Kondabolu: Warn Your Relatives is a 2018 comedy special that showcases the comedic talent of American political comedian and writer Hari Kondabolu. Directed by Bobcat Goldthwait, the show features Kondabolu's signature style of commentary and sharp wit as he tackles a range of topics, including race, politics, and cultural identity.
Throughout the special, Kondabolu brings his unique perspective to issues that have become particularly heated in recent years. He starts off by taking a critical look at the #MeToo movement, discussing its flaws and the problems that arise when we focus only on the experiences of the most privileged women. He also delves into the concept of privilege more broadly, taking aim at the idea that discussing privilege is somehow divisive or unnecessary.
Kondabolu's examination of race is particularly sharp in this special, as he calls out racist stereotypes and assumptions in popular culture. He takes on the enduring myth of the "model minority," discussing how Asian Americans are often held up as an example of success in the United States but are still subject to pervasive racism and discrimination. He also takes aim at the harmful stereotypes about South Asian men that exist in American pop culture, demonstrating how these false narratives can lead to real-world consequences.
Throughout the special, Kondabolu is unafraid to take on difficult topics and to call out hypocrisy when he sees it. He is particularly critical of liberals who say one thing but do another, taking on those who claim to be progressive but still defend otherwise indefensible practices. He also tackles the issue of political correctness head-on, discussing how some well-meaning attempts at inclusiveness can sometimes backfire and become just as limiting as the systems they are meant to replace.
One of the true strengths of Hari Kondabolu: Warn Your Relatives is Kondabolu's ability to find humor in even the darkest corners of our society. He tackles issues like gun violence, environmental disaster, and white supremacy with levity and wit, injecting his critiques with the kind of humor that can make even the most thorny issues feel approachable.
Overall, Hari Kondabolu: Warn Your Relatives is an intelligent and engaging piece of work that speaks to pressing issues in American culture today. Kondabolu is a gifted comedian with a sharp eye for the absurdities and injustices of contemporary society, and his special is a perfect showcase for his skills. Whether you're already familiar with Kondabolu's work or are just discovering him for the first time, this special is sure to make you laugh, think, and maybe even re-evaluate your own attitudes about some of the thorniest issues of our time.