Manu is a 2018 Indian Telugu language film that falls under the genres of romantic drama, mystery, and thriller. The movie is directed by Phanindra Narsetti and stars Raja Goutham, Chandini Chowdary, and John Kottoly in prominent roles. Manu is a unique and artistic attempt in Indian cinema, using stunning visuals, unconventional storytelling, and delicate emotions, to narrate a soul-stirring drama. The movie has a runtime of 107 minutes and was produced by Indira Productions.
The plot of Manu follows the story of two individuals - Manu (played by Raja Goutham), a reclusive artist, and Neela (played by Chandini Chowdary), a girl who lives life in the spur of the moment. Neela, who is a free-spirited and energetic girl, gets fascinated by Manu's art and philosophy, and decides to spend time with him. Manu, on the other hand, is extremely guarded, introverted, and is adverse to indulging in any social interaction. The two develop an unlikely and endearing bond as they get to know each other better. The relationship between Manu and Neela takes center stage in the movie, as the two navigate through contrasting emotions - love, happiness, pain, and grief.
However, Manu is not a typical romance drama. As the story unfolds, we see glimpses of certain grim happenings from the past, which are layered with mystery and tragedy. The plot point introduces the character of John Kottoly, a cop investigating a case of kidnapping, and his involvement in finding the missing girl, Kavya.
The entire movie is interspersed with flashbacks, flash-forwards, and jump-cuts, making the narrative non-linear and intriguing. The movie is presented as a surreal cinematic experience, with visually striking scenes shot in different parts of Hyderabad. The storyline is not a typical masala Telugu movie but is thought-provoking and meaningful, leaving the audience with several questions that demand a keen understanding of the plot.
One of the major takeaways from Manu is its artistic approach, which highlights the creative efforts taken in the direction and cinematography of the movie. Each scene is carefully crafted, with attention paid to the littlest of details. From the use of slow-motion sequences, the lighting, the color palettes, the camera angles, to the background score by Naresh Kumaran, everything is in sync with the mood and emotions of the movie.
Another standout aspect of Manu is the brilliant performances of the lead actors. Raja Goutham delivers a commanding performance as Manu, impressing the audience with his portrayal of a complex character. His expressions, dialogue delivery, and mannerisms are raw and authentic, making the character relatable to the viewers. Chandini Chowdary, on the other hand, is a delight to watch as Neela. She brings life to the character, capturing the spirit and energy of a young girl with ease. John Kottoly delivers a subtle and convincing performance as the cop, adding an element of suspense to the movie.
Overall, Manu is a groundbreaking movie in Telugu cinema that explores unconventional themes, characters, and narrative techniques. It is a movie that demands the audience's intellectual curiosity, with subtle messaging about the human experience, emotions, and relationships. The movie is not a typical Telugu masala flick, but it's the kind of cinema that caters to a thinking audience. It highlights the need for creative liberty, experimentation, and freedom of expression in Indian cinema. Manu is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates good cinema and is open to exploring unique and offbeat storylines.