Naked Campus is a dramatic film that was released in 1982. The movie stars Robert Dryer, Bob Anderson and Peter Knight Silander. Naked Campus is the story of three friends who graduate from college together. The film follows the friends after they graduate and tells the story of the different challenges and adventures that they experience. Many different dramatic issues are explored in the film such as alcoholism and family co-dependency. The film really purports to be a slice-of-life type picture at the challenges that young people face.
Much of the film centers on when the young people graduate and the challenges they face as they enter the real world. The men in the film really struggle at first with adjusting to life after college. They experiences challenges and growth when it comes to all their relationships. Problems with their significant others, family members, and bosses are all explored. The film also really delves into the problem of alcohol addiction and there are many dramatic and profound scenes regarding this topic.
Many of the challenges that the people face in the film are real challenges. One person's new job, for example, is working with the federal government. She spends her time advising Congressmen of terrorist threats and trying to raise awareness. Another character, Raymond, deals with severe illness and is forced to have a probe placed in his brain after an MRI shows that he is sick. This film is notable for several different reasons.
When it was released, many people assumed that the title Naked Campus meant that the movie was a romantic, sex-filled comedy that was typical of many college-set films during the 1980's. The film is very different and takes a real-life look at some series issues. One of the stars of the movie, Peter Knight Silander, is also one of the writers of the film. The film is also notable to film fans because it is one of the first films that uses the new (at the time) Paramount Films logo. There is also a lot of examples of improved scenes in this movie. One instance was when the three comedians, who play homeless bums, are arguing. The director decided not to write the scene because he wanted the men to interact with each other without limitations. He shot the scene without a script. The result is an interesting comedic scene in an otherwise serious movie.