Notes on the Circus is a 1966 documentary film by German filmmaker and writer Jonas Mekas. The movie is Mekas' cinematic tribute to the American circus, which he considered as an important part of American culture. The movie is divided into four parts, each focusing on a different aspect of the circus. The first part is an introduction to the circus, showing the preparations and behind the scenes action. The second part is a tribute to the performers, featuring acts like the clown, aerialists, acrobats, and animal trainers. The third part is a reflection on the audience, capturing the anticipation and excitement that comes with being a part of the circus crowd. The last part is a farewell to the circus, featuring shots of the circus leaving town and taking the show on the road.
Throughout the movie, Mekas employs a mix of montage, still photographs, interviews, and voiceover narration to capture the essence of the circus. The camera lingers on the smallest of details - the wagons, the tents, the lights - giving the audience a sense of immersion in the circus world. Mekas also uses the soundtrack to great effect, with jaunty carnival music and musical accompaniments to underscore the action on screen.
One of the major highlights of the movie is Mekas' portrayal of the circus performers. Through his lens, the performers are not just people in costumes, but artists and athletes who dedicate their lives to their craft. Mekas captures the intensity and grace of their acts, often shooting in slow motion to highlight the precision of their movements. He also includes interviews with performers, giving them a chance to talk about their art and their lives on the road.
Another interesting aspect of the movie is its portrayal of the audience. Mekas shows us the faces of the people watching the show, often capturing the sense of wonder and amazement that comes with seeing the circus for the first time. He also incorporates scenes of the audience members interacting with each other, highlighting the sense of community that comes with the circus experience.
In many ways, Notes on the Circus is a nostalgic movie, capturing a vanishing era of American entertainment. Mekas believed that the circus embodied a romantic and idealized version of America, a place where anything was possible and everyone had the chance to be a star. His movie is a love letter to this world, capturing the magic and the poetry of the circus.
Overall, Notes on the Circus is a beautifully crafted documentary that captures the spirit of the American circus. Mekas' sensitive and perceptive camera work captures the excitement, the energy, and the creativity that makes the circus such an important part of American culture. The movie is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of American entertainment, and a testament to the power of the circus to inspire and amaze.