Penetration Angst is a British horror movie from 2003 directed by Wolfgang Büld. The movie tells the story of three roommates that struggle to get along in their tiny apartment in London. The movie heavily relies on the horror and gore genres to entertain the audience. The main character of the movie is Paul Conway, who plays the role of Harry. Harry is a meek and timid man who suffers from sexual anxiety. His sexual anxiety is the central theme of the movie and sets up the course for the events that take place. Harry's roommates are the beautiful and sexually-assertive Alice (Fiona Horsey) and the aggressive and abusive Darren (Philip Hayden).
The movie starts with Darren aggressively harassing Alice, who appears to take it in stride. However, Harry becomes increasingly uncomfortable with the situation, which culminates in a violent outburst from Darren. From there, the storyline focuses on Harry's attempts to address his sexual anxiety and escalating events created by his roommates.
Penetration Angst is a slapstick horror-comedy that combines violence with sexual themes as a means of entertaining the audience. However, the film is not without its controversial aspects, mainly in terms of its portrayal of sexual assault and domestic abuse.
The film is shot in a low-budget, low-fi style, with the majority of the scenes taking place in the tiny apartment. The director and writer, Wolfgang Büld, chose to shoot the film in a way that wouldn't distract from the storyline, choosing instead to keep the camera static on the actors during the majority of the pivotal performances. This allowed the actors to carry the scenes and add their expression to the emotions.
The soundtrack of the movie reflects the dark gothic tone of the film, composed by Dierk Von Specht. It is used sparsely and appropriately, only when needed to evoke an emotional response or provide a backdrop for the violence.
Penetration Angst is not without its horror credentials, though. In the final third of the movie the violence mounts and the horror elements come to the fore. However as the film is relatively predictable, the horror scenes feel formulaic and expected, serving as a slight distraction from the work of the actors as they show their emotional turmoil and frustration.
Penetration Angst is a shining example of the low-budget niche horror genre. The film has an interesting theme that is developed throughout the movie, with the direction having the actor's performances and character arcs at its heart. The performances by the cast, in particular Fiona Horsey's, are compelling and often shocking, reflecting the darkness of the world that the movie inhabits.
Overall, Penetration Angst is not for the faint-hearted, but a definite watch for those who enjoy horror movies with dark comedic twists. If you can handle gore and violence, then it is an independent horror film worth checking out.