Rotgut is a 2012 horror comedy movie directed by Billy Garberina, that showcases weird and sick humor along with doomsday science fiction. It features Jeremy Owen as the lead character, an alcoholic detective named Green, that explores odd happenings within a post-apocalyptic setting. The movie is relatively unknown, but it offers an entertaining ride with gore, humorous dialogues, and some genuinely creepy moments.
Set in the backdrop of a zombie-infested world, the movie begins with Green getting a letter from a scientist claiming to find a cure for the outbreak. The scientist insists that the formula exists somewhere in the city, and Green must find it at any cost. On his way, he meets hooded cultists, seductive sirens, and zombie gangs that are nothing like what he had witnessed before.
Jeremy Owen shines as the self-loathing detective who barely acts like one. His portrayal is impeccable, and he perfectly captures the character's sadness and misery. Moreover, his drunken love for rye whiskey is amusing and keeps him going even during the shakiest of moments. The cinematography is impressive, and the production team's adherence to the post-apocalyptic world is commendable. The movie has got plenty of style with dim lighting, dirty clothes, and worn-down weaponry, adding to the overall gritty ambiance.
The movie's humor is not for everyone, as it tends to lean towards the gross-out spectrum frequently. However, it works perfectly with the grotesque and nihilistic world that the movie offers. The humor is crude, and the dialogues are sometimes too silly to take seriously. However, once the gross-out factor takes hold, it's hard not to enjoy it for what it is. The jokes can be dark, but they never feel cheap. A standout moment in this regard is when Green picks up a severed head, only to behead it again for fun, and then interviews it for leads.
Another highlight of the movie is its villains. The hooded cultists offer the 70s horror vibes, reminiscent of the likes of "Blood on Satan's Claw." They are mysterious characters with equally mysterious objectives, adding to the overall dread of the setting. Additionally, the zombie gangs are creative with their quirks, making them stand out from the usual flesh-eating undead. They are lawless and behave like wild animals, much like their Mad Max counterparts.
The special effects are impressive, particularly given the movie's low budget. The makeup effects, in particular, are noteworthy, with the zombies looking appropriately disgusting and putrid. The gore is quite graphic, and the movie doesn't shy away from showing it. However, it never feels excessive or too over-the-top.
One of the drawbacks of the movie is its pacing. Some scenes feel dragged out, particularly during the middle where the story takes a slight detour. The movie could have done with some trimming in this regard, but it doesn't detract too much from the experience. Additionally, some of the jokes may not age well, particularly given today's social climate. That being said, the movie wasn't meant to be PC, and it's refreshing to see a film unafraid to cross boundaries.
In conclusion, Rotgut may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's an enjoyable ride for fans of horror-comedy. The production team deserves credit for creating a believable post-apocalyptic world, and Jeremy Owen's performance is remarkable. The humor can be crude, but it works perfectly in the gritty and nihilistic world. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, and it pays off. It's a low-budget movie that punches above its weight and delivers an entertaining experience.