Scarfies is a New Zealand comedy thriller film from 1999, directed by Robert Sarkies, following a group of five students, fueled by boredom and curiosity, who break into a house and become unwittingly embroiled in a sinister domestic dispute. The film takes place in Dunedin, a small coastal city on the South Island of New Zealand, where a group of college students who are bored and disenchanted with their lives, look for new experiences to break up their mundane existence. This sets the scene for a story that follows the students, as they rent a house to live in, exploring Dunedin, partying and experiencing the camaraderie of the university lifestyle. However, their fun comes to a halt when they discover a hidden cache of money in their new dwelling.
The discovery of this money sets off a chain of unpredictable events, as the group of students becomes enmeshed in a complex underworld of crime and violence. Things take a turn for the worse when they are caught - not by the police, but by the owners of the money, a couple living in the house. At this point, the film takes on an unnerving tone and shifts into thriller mode, as the couple uses one of the students as bait to lure the others into their home for a shocking surprise.
The leading actors in this film - Willa O'Neill, Neill Rea, and Ashleigh Seagar - deliver great performances, bringing to life their young characters filled with excitement and confusion. The close-knit group's dynamics are believable and relatable, painting an accurate picture of what it truly means to be a college student; bored, disillusioned, and looking for ways to pass the time.
Scarfies is unique in its use of location, and the portrayal of the Dunedin cityscape is captivating, with the movie accurately capturing the mood and feelings of the South Island city. The city's cold, wintry weather sets the scene for the strange and eerie events that take place within the film, as the group of college students' experiences become mysterious and threatening.
Overall, Scarfies is an entertaining watch - it's comedic, thrilling, and keeps you on edge throughout the movie. The plot is well-paced, and the various elements of the story fit together perfectly to create an exciting and unforgettable experience. Sarkies' exceptional directorial style helps to build and maintain tension throughout the film, which keeps audiences engaged until the end.
Ultimately, Scarfies is a unique motion picture - blending humor and suspense in equal measures, resulting in a truly immersive experience. With revenge, criminal activity, and hidden mysteries, it is a truly thrilling ride that is sure to keep viewers captivated from start to finish.