1815 England. Shipwrecked off Ireland and landed at Watchet Harbour, Somerset, Esmeralda Grimm and her half sister Fancy, set out on the final leg of their journey home to the House of Grimm. Stumbling upon a coven of witches in a ruined church, they flee for their lives and take refuge in a deserted tavern. Befriended by an amorous yokel, they awake to discover their horses stolen. Left to cross the wilds by foot, they are overtaken by a storm and forced to take refuge in a ditch with a tinker whose tales about the beast of the Moor make their night sleepless. Reaching Grimm Manor the following day, they are reacquainted with their estranged relatives - Great Aunt Augusta and second cousin Leopold Grimm, as well as first cousin Wilberforce and step-sister Evanglista. Fancy discovers that Aunt Augusta had died and Leopold is suspected of poisoning her, but suspicion then falls on Wilberforce who states it was the Beast of the Moor. Thus Fancy and Esme become determined to rid the Grimm family of the Beast of the Moor before they can gain their rightful inheritance.
Sisters Grimm is a 2014 adventure movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 32 minutes.
It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.1.