Starry Starry Night is a 2011 movie directed by Tom Lin and based on Jimmy Liao's graphic novel, "Star-Inspection." The movie tells the story of a young girl named Mei (Jiao Xu), who struggles to adapt to the new life and new home she has after her parents' divorce. Mei's mother (Rene Liu) is depressed and distant, while her father (Hans Chung) is preoccupied with his career.
Mei finds solace in her art and imagination, creating a world of whimsy that she shares with her classmate, Jay (Eric Lin Hui Ming). Mei finds inspiration in her neighbor's garden, where a mysterious old man (Harold Yue) tends to the flowers and keeps an odd variety of vintage knick-knacks in his backyard. Through his stories and the whimsical objects he shares with her, Mei discovers an enchanted world that exists both in reality and in her imagination.
As Mei's mother's depression worsens, Mei is forced to confront the challenges of growing up and dealing with difficult emotions. However, her newfound sense of creativity leads her to new and inspiring experiences as she grows up and learns to appreciate the beauty that surrounds her.
The film's animation captures the dreamlike and surreal tone of Jimmy Liao's original graphic novel, transporting the viewer to a magical world that is tinged with sadness and introspection. The bright colors and vivid visuals create a sense of wonder that heightens the emotional impact of the story.
The relationship between Mei and her neighbor is one of the most critical elements of the movie, as they bond over shared experiences of loss and longing. The old man's mysteriousness and unassuming presence add to the film's overall atmosphere of wonder and mystery.
A significant part of the movie is dedicated to Mei's family and their struggles to adapt to changes in their lives. The movie explores these aspects through the lens of a child and brings a sense of innocence to these themes.
One of the most poignant scenes in the film is when Mei's father comes to visit her and takes her to a fireworks show that is happening nearby. The fireworks reflect the colors and whimsy of Mei's imagination, resulting in a cathartic display that is as freeing as it is euphoric.
In conclusion, Starry Starry Night is a movie that explores the complexity of childhood and the power of imagination. Through its dreamlike animation, the movie renders the inner worlds of children with a great sense of reverence and respect. The film delivers an awe-inspiring message by reminding the viewer of the beauty of the world around us and the inventive possibilities that exist within.