Swamp Freak is a horror film released in 2017, directed by David Decoteau and starring Lesleh Donaldson, Helene Udy, and Felissa Rose. The movie follows the story of six college students who decide to take a trip to a friend's family cabin in the woods. But things go wrong when they accidentally release an evil spirit that has been trapped in the swamp for years.
The movie starts with a group of friends planning a trip to their friend's cabin in the woods. Once they arrive, they start exploring the area and come across the swamp. They hear rumors that the swamp is haunted by an evil spirit that has been trapped there for centuries. But they do not believe in the rumors and dismiss them as local folklore.
One of the friends, a young filmmaker named Brie, decides to make a documentary about the swamp and its mythological creature. She interviews the locals and learns more about the swamp's history. According to the locals, the swamp used to be a sacred land used by Native Americans for sacred rituals. But during the 19th century, a group of settlers arrived and started to exploit the land. They built a dam that blocked the water flow and destroyed the natural habitat of the creatures living in the swamp. The settlers also massacred the Native Americans who attempted to resist their invasion. The spirits of the Native Americans and the swamp creatures have been trapped in the swamp since then, seeking revenge on anyone who disturbs the peace of the land.
As the friends continue to explore the swamp, they accidentally release the evil spirit that has been trapped there. The creature takes the form of a Swamp Freak, a humanoid creature with green skin and glowing red eyes. The Swamp Freak starts to hunt down the friends one by one, and they must fight for their survival.
The movie features many suspenseful and terrifying scenes as the friends try to evade the Swamp Freak. The creature is relentless and seems to enjoy playing games with its victims before finally attacking them. It is a shape-shifter, often taking the form of the friends' loved ones to lure them into a false sense of security before striking.
The friends soon realize that they must find a way to destroy the Swamp Freak and put an end to its reign of terror. They discover that the only way to kill the creature is to remove its talisman, a sacred artifact that gives it power. They use their knowledge of the swamp's history to find the location of the talisman and mount a final confrontation with the Swamp Freak.
Overall, Swamp Freak is a well-crafted horror movie that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The performances of the actors are solid, and the special effects are impressive. The movie also has a strong theme of environmentalism, warning against the dangers of exploiting natural resources without regard for the consequences. Swamp Freak is a must-watch for horror fans who enjoy classic monster movies with a modern twist.