Taxi! Taxi! is a comedy movie released in 2013 which explores the life of a taxi driver named Ah Huat (played by Gurmit Singh) in modern-day Singapore. The movie is a remake of a popular Singaporean television series named "Taxi! Taxi!" from the early 2000s. The movie is a lighthearted and humorous take on the ups and downs of taxi driving in Singapore. It follows Ah Huat through his daily work routine, navigating the city's bustling streets while dealing with a variety of different passengers. The movie also delves into the personal life of Ah Huat and his interactions with his family and friends.
One of the central themes of the movie is the stark contrast between the lives of taxi drivers and their passengers. The passengers are often wealthy and successful individuals who live glamorous lifestyles, while the taxi drivers work long hours for modest pay. The divide between these two groups is highlighted in several scenes throughout the movie, serving as a commentary on modern-day Singaporean society.
Another major theme of the movie is the importance of family and connection. Ah Huat's family plays a significant role in his life, and their interactions are a source of both joy and frustration throughout the movie. The bonds that the characters have with one another are portrayed as the foundation of their lives, even as they struggle to navigate the challenges of modern-day Singapore.
The movie is also notable for its comedic performances, particularly from lead actors Gurmit Singh and Mark Lee. Both actors bring excellent comedic timing and physicality to their roles, creating a comedic dynamic that leads to laugh-out-loud moments throughout the movie. Supporting cast members, including Chua Jin Sen as Ah Huat's best friend, also deliver strong performances and add depth to their characters.
Overall, Taxi! Taxi! is an enjoyable and entertaining movie that combines comedy, drama, and commentary on Singaporean society. Its themes of family, connection, and class divide are universal, making it an appealing movie for audiences around the world, even though it is set in a specific location.