The Big Snit (1985) is an animated short film directed by Richard Condie. The movie features a couple living in a house during a nuclear war. The characters are identified as man and woman throughout the film, and their names are never mentioned. The animation style used in the movie is unique and captivating. The characters are drawn in a simplistic and cartoonish manner, and the backgrounds are full of detail and texture. The film's color palette predominately uses muted tones of gray, brown, and green, which effectively create a sense of gloom and dread throughout the film.
The main plot of the movie revolves around the couple, who are depicted as being incredibly bored and apathetic towards the world's end. As the story progresses, the couple engages in a series of mundane activities to pass the time, including playing cards and making toast. These seemingly trivial activities are juxtaposed with the visible destruction of the world outside their window, creating a sense of absurdity and a bleak outlook for the future.
As the couple goes about their mundane routine, they begin to argue about the game of Scrabble they are playing. The argument escalates, and the man storms off, leaving the woman alone in the house. In his absence, the woman hears a sound from outside and goes to investigate. She discovers a group of tiny, mystical creatures that have appeared in her backyard. The creatures are depicted as being odd and quirky, with distinct personalities and unusual behaviors.
As the woman interacts with the creatures, the story switches back to the man, who is now in the bathtub. He is having a vivid and surreal dream about a chicken that slowly transforms into a monstrous beast, revealing the man's deepest fears and insecurities.
The movie ultimately ends on a hopeful note, with the couple reconciling and coming together to watch a heartwarming, educational film about the dangers of nuclear war. The final scene shows the couple reaffirming their love and holding hands as they sit in the rubble of their destroyed home.
The Big Snit is a unique, thought-provoking film that explores themes of boredom, apathy, and the absurdity of human behavior in the face of catastrophic events. The animation style is highly engaging and manages to convey a powerful sense of atmosphere and emotion throughout the film. The use of surreal dream sequences and quirky fantasy creatures adds an element of whimsy and lightness to the otherwise bleak and heavy subject matter.
Overall, The Big Snit is a remarkable achievement in the realm of animation, and it continues to be highly regarded and widely acclaimed to this day.