The great Pharaoh is the ruler of Egypt, and with such a large population of Hebrews he begins to develop a sense of paranoia. He concerns himself with the possibility of these Hebrew slaves combining their efforts into armies and trying to overthrow him. Short of killing a bunch of them, Pharaoh thinks that he could overwork them and some would die, making them a lot more manageable, but when that plan fails, he decides to order the immediate drowning of all Hebrew male children in the Nile. One Hebrew mother avoids the fate for her child and sets it down the river in a floating basket instead.
After a night on the river, Pharaoh’s daughter discovers the basket and calls the child Moses, as she accepts it as her own. Moses grows up to be an adult, living as a prince. After witnessing one of the slaves receiving a beating, Moses steps in and kills the guard, for which he ends up being banished from the kingdom.
After traveling through the desert, Moses runs into Zipporah, who he ends up getting married to and starting a family. After fathering two children, God was ready for Moses to go back to Egypt and lead the Hebrews out of their bondage.
Moses is less than enthusiastic about returning to face Ramses (who is now the new Pharaoh), and he certainly does not think that he has what it takes to complete the task. Even though he is not yet convinced that he is the chosen one, Moses still returns to Egypt, where he joins up with his brother Aaron, and the two brothers confront Ramses for the freedom of the Hebrews.
Directed by Bill Boyce and John Stronach, this epic drama is straight from the Bible. Narrated by Ben Kingsley, supporting voices are Christian Slater as Moses, Alfred Molina as Ramses, and Christopher Gaze as Aaron!
The Ten Commandments is a 2007 animated movie.
It has received poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 2.9 and a MetaScore of 25.