In the film The Young One, Zachary Scott portrays Traver, a white game warden who becomes involved in a disturbing situation when he discovers that an elderly man he frequently interacts with has taken in a young girl named Evvie (Key Meersman) who has run away from home. Traver quickly realizes that Evvie is not alone, as there is another man, Jackson (Bernie Hamilton), hiding on the island with her. The two are on the run after Jackson was falsely accused of raping a white woman.
The film explores themes of racism, power dynamics, and sexual violence. Evvie, though only 14 years old, is often objectified and sexualized by the men around her, both on and off the island. She is barely given a voice in the film and is seen as a tool for either Traver or Jackson's intentions. Meanwhile, Traver takes advantage of his position of power as a game warden to coerce Evvie into doing his bidding.
In addition to the main plot, the film also explores the relationship between Traver and Miller (played by a young Yvonne Craig), a woman who lives on the mainland and has a complicated history with Traver. While their relationship is a complicated one and doesn't necessarily add much to the main story, it does contribute to Traver's characterization as a self-interested and manipulative man.
The Young One is notable for its frank discussion of sexual assault and racism, especially for a film made in the early 1960s. However, it is not without its flaws. Despite the film's purported anti-racist message, it still perpetuates many harmful stereotypes about black men. Jackson is constantly referred to as "boy" and is often seen as animalistic or hypersexual. Additionally, the film's treatment of Evvie is problematic. Though the film clearly condemns sexual violence, it often feels like her sexualization is more for the audience's benefit than an intentional commentary on the patriarchal society she lives in.
Overall, The Young One is a thought-provoking and intense film that doesn't shy away from difficult topics. However, its reliance on harmful stereotypes and questionable treatment of its female character make it a complicated viewing experience.