Untogether is a romantic drama film released in 2018 starring Jamie Dornan, Lola Kirke, and Jemima Kirke. The movie revolves around the lives of two sisters, Andrea and Tara, who are struggling with their relationships and personal lives. Andrea is a former heroin addict who is now a successful writer. She is struggling with her writing and trying to find her place in the world. She meets Martin, a doctor and a single father, at a book signing event. Martin is attracted to Andrea, and they start dating. However, Andrea is not sure if she is ready for a serious relationship and is more interested in casual flings with other men.
On the other hand, Tara is a massage therapist who has just ended her relationship with a famous actor, David. She is trying to find her way back to her passion for writing but is struggling with her writer's block. She meets a musician, played by Jamie Dornan, who is recovering from a drug addiction himself. They start a passionate and intense relationship, but Tara is unsure if she is ready to commit to the relationship.
The movie explores the themes of love, loss, addiction, and creativity. It shows the struggles of the protagonists as they try to find their way in life and come to terms with their past. The relationships in the movie are complex, and the characters' emotions and motivations are layered and nuanced.
One of the strengths of the movie is its ability to capture the complicated relationships between the characters. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, and their performances are engaging and relatable. The movie also explores the themes of addiction and recovery in a sensitive and thoughtful way, without resorting to cliches or stereotypes.
Untogether is not a conventional romance movie. The movie does not rely on cheesy dialogue and grand gestures to create a romantic atmosphere. Instead, it focuses on the characters' internal conflicts and their struggles to connect with others. The movie shows that love is not always easy or straightforward and that sometimes, it can be messy and painful.
The movie is shot beautifully, with a muted color palette that captures the melancholy mood of the story. The soundtrack of the movie is also noteworthy, with several original songs composed by Barry "Elijah" Johnson.
Overall, Untogether is a moving and thought-provoking movie that will appeal to fans of indie cinema. The movie is not perfect and may not be for everyone, but it is a unique and refreshing take on the romantic drama genre. The performances of the actors, the beautiful cinematography, and the compelling story make the movie a must-watch for anyone looking for an emotionally engaging movie experience.
Untogether is a 2019 comedy with a runtime of 1 hour and 38 minutes.
It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 5.1 and a MetaScore of 46.