AFI (American Film Institute) Master Class from TCM is a television series that premiered in 2011 and was produced by Turner Classic Movies (TCM). The show features prominent personalities from the film industry, including actors, directors, writers, producers, and other behind-the-scenes artists, discussing their craft and sharing their experiences. Each episode of AFI Master Class focuses on one artist and their body of work, exploring their approach to filmmaking, their inspirations, and the challenges they faced in their careers.
The show is hosted by renowned film critic and historian Richard Schickel, who engages the guests in a lively and informative conversation about their work. Schickel, who wrote and directed over 30 documentaries on the history of cinema, has a deep knowledge and appreciation of the art form, and his interviews are insightful and thought-provoking. His guests, who are often his peers and colleagues, respond candidly to his questions, revealing new insights into their creative process.
AFI Master Class from TCM covers a wide range of film genres and styles, showcasing the diversity of the medium and the artists working within it. Some episodes focus on classic Hollywood movies and their creators, such as Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Capra, and Billy Wilder. Other episodes celebrate the work of contemporary filmmakers who are pushing the boundaries of the form, such as Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Christopher Nolan. The show also highlights actors who have left an indelible mark on the screen, including Sidney Poitier, Meryl Streep, and Jack Nicholson.
One of the strengths of AFI Master Class from TCM is its emphasis on the creative process, rather than just the end result. The interviews delve into the decisions and choices that artists make to bring their vision to life, such as writing a script, casting actors, blocking a scene, and editing footage. The guests share their insights into the collaborative nature of filmmaking, discussing their relationships with their crew, producers, and studio executives. They also reflect on the cultural and historical contexts in which their work was produced, and the impact that their movies had on audiences.
Another highlight of AFI Master Class from TCM is the extensive use of clips from the guest's films, which are incorporated into the interviews to illustrate the points being made. The clips are carefully chosen to showcase key moments in the artist's career, and to highlight their strengths as a filmmaker or actor. The guests often provide their own commentary on the clips, adding another layer of insight into their work.
AFI Master Class from TCM is a show that will appeal to both casual movie fans and serious cinephiles. It offers a rare opportunity to hear from some of the most talented and influential artists in the film industry and to learn about their approach to their craft. The show is insightful, informative, and entertaining, making it a must-watch for anyone who loves movies.