Animal Cops: Detroit was a reality TV series on Animal Planet which aired from 2002 to 2009. The show followed the daily lives of the animal cruelty investigators and the emergency rescue teams of the Michigan Humane Society based in Detroit. The investigative team was led by the then-director of cruelty investigations, Michele Santopietro, and assisted by Kevin Jones and John Lurie. The team responded to animal abuse cases, rescue stray and injured animals, and educate the public on responsible animal care.
The Michigan Humane Society, which was established in 1877, is the largest animal welfare organization in Michigan. The Detroit branch was responsible for an enormous area that spanned from Detroit city limits to the outskirts of the metro Detroit area. Despite the diversity of the region, the investigative team faced numerous challenges. They had to deal with a range of cases including dog fighting, hoarding, neglect, and animal cruelty.
The show depicted the challenges and risks the team faced every day. They worked in the thick of the action, often entering dangerous and unpredictable situations. They rescued animals from abandoned buildings, back alleys, and other dangerous locations. The team also had to deal with uncooperative owners who treated their animals poorly. They had to tread gently, though firmly, in order to get the owners to surrender the animals to the care of the Michigan Humane Society.
Despite the intense and challenging situations they faced, the investigators always remained professional and compassionate. They provided the necessary care, medical attention, and rehabilitation to the animals rescued. Some of these animals were severely injured or sick, and it was heartwarming to see the team's tireless work in nursing them back to health. The show provided a glimpse into the world of animal rescue workers, showcasing their commitment to animal welfare.
Each episode was an emotional roller coaster, bringing attention to the severity of animal abuse and the harsh reality of animal cruelty. The investigative team worked tirelessly to prove that cases warranted a conviction in court. They would build the case from scratch, following the trail of physical evidence and interviewing witnesses. By working closely with the Wayne County prosecutor