Call Me Francis is a miniseries that was released on Netflix in 2015. The show is a biographical drama that tells the story of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who later became Pope Francis. The series is set in Argentina and is spoken in Spanish. From the beginning, the show gives an immediate glimpse into the complex personality, deep humanity, and humility of the main character. It shows the transformation of the man who started as an ambitious, politically savvy, and scheming individual who rose up the ranks of the Catholic Church, to ultimately become the widely regarded voice of the oppressed and marginalized all over the world.
The miniseries begins with Bergoglio as a young Jesuit priest in Buenos Aires in the 1960s. He is portrayed as a kind, spiritual, and compassionate human being who is deeply committed to social justice, and vows to work tirelessly to improve the lives of the poor and marginalized people in his community. As he progresses, viewers can easily see how he becomes the hopeful beacon of light that the community desperately needs, and the religious watchdog against any wrongdoings of corrupt, powerful people.
Throughout the series, we see the many challenges that Bergoglio had to face in his life, including the political unrest in Argentina, the military dictatorship, and the decision whether to speak vociferously on behalf of the poor or maintain a neutral voice. He is known to have taken extraordinary risks, sometimes even putting his own life in danger, just to advocate for the suffering masses.
The show does an excellent job in showing Bergoglio's personal struggles with his faith, his inner demons, and the murky possibilities of Vatican politics. The Pope is portrayed as a man who recognizes his own fallibility, and as a result, becomes a more understanding and empathetic leader, while never losing his strong faith in the face of several obstacles.
One of the highlights of the series is the work put into the production quality. The attention to detail and setting is meticulous, reflecting the historical events and the mood of the time. The pacing of the series is also excellent, keeping the viewers engaged and invested throughout the series. Even those who are not religious will find it fascinating to follow the journey of a person who has shown such incredible depth of character, determination and resilience, all while remaining so down-to-earth and relatable.
In terms of acting, both Rodrigo de la Serna and Sergio Hern