Carver Kings is a reality show that follows the lives of three extraordinary wood carvers - Ryan Cook, Troy MacNeill, and Paul Frenette, as they use chain saws to create masterpieces out of trees. The show premiered on HGTV Canada in 2015 and has since then become a cult favorite among viewers.
The series features the trio as they travel across North America, from Vancouver Island in British Columbia to New York City, in search of their next big project - a massive log that they can turn into a spectacular work of art that will leave people in awe. Each episode of the show takes the viewers through the entire process of carving, from selecting the ideal tree to finished product.
The show highlights the intense physical labor the carvers must undergo, as well as the incredible artistry and skill required to create works of art with nothing but a chainsaw. The trio is often faced with challenging projects that test their abilities, including carving giant totem poles, intricate sculptures, and even a massive fortune cookie.
The three wood carvers have different approaches to their craft, but all share a love and genuine passion for their work. Ryan Cook, the founder of the Carver Kings workshop, is known for his intricate and detailed carvings that often incorporate imagery from Indigenous cultures. Troy MacNeill, the youngest member of the group, is a former professional skateboarder turned wood carver, who creates unique pieces that reflect his love for pop culture. Lastly, Paul Frenette, the seasoned veteran of the group, is known for his larger-than-life carvings that can stand over forty feet tall.
Despite their differences, the three carvers share a strong bond, which is on full display as they work together to overcome obstacles and produce breathtaking works of art.
One of the unique aspects of Carver Kings is the way in which it showcases the beauty of nature and the artistry that can be found within it. The show is as much about the trees themselves as it is about the carvings that come from them. The carvers are shown exploring the forests, searching for the perfect tree, and learning about the various species of trees and the history behind them. This aspect of the show makes it more than just a reality show about wood carvers, but a celebration of nature and the art that can be created from it.
Another highlight of the show is the sense of community that the carvers bring with them as they work on various projects. They often work in public spaces, such as parks, and the public is encouraged to watch and even participate in the carving process. This creates an opportunity for viewers to gain a deeper appreciation for the art form and witness firsthand the amazing work that goes into creating these pieces.
In conclusion, Carver Kings is an entertaining and inspiring reality show that showcases the incredible talent of three wood carvers who use their chainsaws to create artwork that defies imagination. The show is a visual feast that highlights the beauty of nature and the artistry that can be found within it. The combination of the amazing carvings, the bond between the carvers, and the stunning locations in which they work make Carver Kings a show that is not to be missed.