Codefellas is a web series produced by WIRED that premiered in 2013. The show's concept is a blend of comedy and spy action aimed at the technology audience, with the main characters being crude "hackers" who work for the National Security Agency (NSA). In addition to its humor, Codefellas intends to provide a glimpse into a digital realm of security, espionage, and tech humor.
The main characters are Nicole Winters played by Emily Heller, a seductive and manipulative hacker, and her boss, a stoic and humorless senior agent named Archer played by John Hodgman. There are also several recurring characters such as Nicole's hapless sidekick, the IT department and a handful of Russian spies. The show is well-written with decent acting and directing, but its animation style is the biggest standout. The animation uses a collage style of illustration in which actual photographs are used as the characters' faces, placed on top of animated bodies, which creates a sense of uncanny humor that pervades the show.
In every episode, Nicole and Archer are faced with a new cyber-attack threat by foreign hackers, and it's their job to fight it off. Codefellas does not take itself too seriously; hence, the humor ultimately drives the show, but there are a handful of authentic and insightful techie moments that drive the plot. While Nicole is the queen of the hacking game, Archer is the king of the intelligence game. Archer's superior attitude often clashes with Nicole's flamboyant personality, which leads to heated comedic exchanges throughout the show.
The show also touches on the deeper issue of cybersecurity and privacy. In one episode, Archer and Nicole team up to hunt down a hacker who has stolen NSA's cyber toolkit, which involves several centralized hacking tools that could potentially cause severe damage to everyday computer users. The hackers in the show are portrayed as a clever mix of state-sponsored hacking and organized crime. Although the plot is often far-fetched and exaggerated, the show makes an excellent point about how important cybersecurity has become in modern-day life.
Codefellas' episodes vary in length, from as short as two minutes to just over six minutes. This makes it easier to binge-watch and allows slow-burn plot development, as the narrative arc often stretches over multiple episodes. The comedy style of this show is somewhat vulgar and goofy, but it's not too over the top, making it a fun show to watch when one is in the mood for cracking jokes while learning something new about hacking.
If you are a fan of shows like Archer or Silicon Valley, then Codefellas is definitely a show you should tune in to. It has the right amount of humor, tech jargon, and a relatable premise that makes it one of the more accessible shows about hacking out there. The show does not shy away from the darker tone of the world it presents, but the humor and satire are enough to balance it out, which makes it a treat to watch.
Overall, Codefellas is a show that is equally accessible and entertaining for those who are well-versed in the tech world and those who are not. With its unique animation style and mostly clever writing, it is definitely worth watching, even though the show was produced eight years ago. It's a show that has aged quite well, and it still provides excellent insights into the world of hackers and cybersecurity with a healthy dose of humor.