Late Night Liars was a game show that premiered on Game Show Network (GSN) in 2010. The show was hosted by actor and comedian Mark L. Walberg, who is best known for hosting Antiques Roadshow and Temptation Island. The game show format was designed to be a combination of comedy and deceit, with contestants trying to trick their opponents into believing lies while also trying to identify the truth.
The show consisted of two rounds, with four contestants playing each round. The first round was called the "Lie Detector Test" and involved each contestant telling a personal story. One of the contestants would share a true story, while the other three would share false stories. The other three contestants had to convince the others that their story was true, while the true story teller had to convince everyone else that their story was false. The other contestants could ask questions and make observations to try to detect the lie.
In round two, called "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", the contestants were shown a clip from a current event news story. Each one had to give a fake news headline about the clip, and the other contestants had to guess which one was the real one. The contestants had to be creative and come up with headlines that would be plausible but not too obvious.
The third and final round was called "The Modern Day Snake Oil Salesmen" and featured the two remaining contestants. They had to present a fake invention to a group of potential investors, who were actually members of the studio audience. The contestants had to sell their invention and convince the investors to invest in it, even though it was completely fake. The investors then voted on which invention they would most likely invest in, and the contestant with the most votes won the game.
Late Night Liars was a fast-paced and funny game show that showcased the wit and creativity of its contestants. The show's format allowed for plenty of lies, misdirections, and surprises, and it was always entertaining to watch the contestants try to outdo each other. The show lasted for two seasons on GSN and was a hit with viewers who enjoyed its mix of comedy and strategy.
Overall, Late Night Liars was an innovative game show that provided a fun and challenging platform for its contestants. The show's format was unique and engaging, and it showcased the talents of its host and contestants alike. Despite only lasting for two seasons, Late Night Liars left a lasting impression on viewers and remains a beloved part of GSN's game show history.