Lego Destruction is a show hosted by WIRED that showcases various methods of destroying Lego builds. Each episode features a different theme and a unique destructive technique, as well as expert guests who weigh in on the process. With a mix of humor and education, the show takes viewers on a journey of deconstruction as they witness Lego creations being smashed, burned, electrocuted, and even crushed by a hydraulic press. The hosts of the show are joined by guests such as a Lego master builder, a chemist, a physicist, and a biologist to explore the science behind the destruction and answer burning questions like "Can you burn Lego?" or "How much force does it take to crush a Lego brick?"
One episode, for example, explores the effects of extreme temperatures on Lego bricks. The hosts and guest chemist explain the chemical components of a Lego brick and how they react to heat, and the team then proceeds to melt Lego bricks with a blowtorch and set them on fire with matches. They also compare burning Lego with burning other materials to see which produces more toxic fumes, in a bid to challenge the myth that burning Lego is unsafe.
In another episode, the hosts experiment with different methods of smashing Lego bricks. They use a hammer, a baseball bat, and even a medieval mace to see which causes the most damage. They also test the brick's strength and durability by stacking Lego bricks to see how many it takes before they collapse on their own.
Other episodes explore the effects of water on Lego, the concept of entropy, and the physical properties of Lego. In each episode, the team goes beyond just the destruction and the fun of watching things get smashed to explore the science behind the destruction and how it relates to real-life scenarios.
The show is not just for kids who enjoy destroying things, but also for adults who are curious about the science behind it all. It's a lighthearted yet educational break from the usual news cycle and a refreshing change from the traditional format of shows on Lego building.
Overall, Lego Destruction is a unique and fun show that combines humor, science, and education. The show's hosts and expert guests make for an entertaining and informative watch, and the sheer delight of seeing things get destroyed is a surefire way to brighten up anyone's day.