
Watch Metastasis

  • TV-MA
  • 2014
  • 1 Season
  • 2.5  (4,553)

Metastasis is a gripping telenovela that premiered on Univision in 2014, serving as a Spanish-language adaptation of the critically acclaimed American series Breaking Bad. This adaptation follows the life of an ordinary high school chemistry teacher, Walter Blanco, who finds himself trapped in a web of dire circumstances that lead him down a dark path of crime and moral ambiguity.

Set against the backdrop of contemporary Colombia, Metastasis tackles pressing social issues while interweaving personal drama and intense character development. Walter Blanco, portrayed by a talented cast, initially comes across as a humble educator struggling to make ends meet. He teaches at a local high school, grappling with the challenges of an underfunded educational system, alongside a family that depends on him. Walter

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Chapter 70
70. Chapter 70
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Chapter 69
69. Chapter 69
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Chapter 68
68. Chapter 68
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Chapter 67
67. Chapter 67
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Chapter 66
66. Chapter 66
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Chapter 65
65. Chapter 65
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Chapter 64
64. Chapter 64
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Chapter 63
63. Chapter 63
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Chapter 62
62. Chapter 62
September 18, 2014
Walter les da su dinero a Edgar y Marcela para que se lo entreguen a Walter Jr. Walter le entrega las coordenadas de los cuerpos de Henry y Gómez a Cielo para que pueda negociar con la fiscalía. Walter mata a Joaquín y sus hombres y salva a Jose.
Chapter 61
61. Chapter 61
September 17, 2014
Peto y sus hombres amenazan a María para que no delate Lidia con la policía. Peto le dice a Lidia que tiene 23 kilos de metanfetamina listos con 92% de pureza, igual que la de Walter.
Chapter 60
60. Chapter 60
September 16, 2014
Joaquín quiere matar a Henry, pero Walter le pide que no lo haga, lo asesina con un tiro en la cabeza. Cielo le cuenta a Walter Jr. que Walter es un traficante. Walter contrata a un hombre para que lo ayude a desaparecer.
Chapter 59
59. Chapter 59
September 15, 2014
Henry sigue a Walter hasta el sitio donde tiene escondido su dinero y lo arresta con la ayuda de Jose. Joaquín y Peto llegan al lugar donde Walter tiene su dinero escondido y disparan contra Henry y Gómez, aunque Walter canceló la orden.
Chapter 58
58. Chapter 58
September 11, 2014
Henry atrapa a Jose antes de que quemé la casa de Walter y le propone trabajar juntos para atraparlo. Henry graba un video con la confesión de Jose, pero él dice que eso no es una prueba contra Walter.
Chapter 57
57. Chapter 57
September 10, 2014
Walter graba un video confesando sus crímenes y dice que Henry es su socio. Jose le pide a Saúl que lo ayude a desaparecer y se da cuenta que él le robó el veneno que usaron con Byron por orden de Walter.
Chapter 56
56. Chapter 56
September 8, 2014
Henry le pide a Cielo que le cuente sobre el negocio de metanfetaminas de Walter y le dice que la protegerá a ella y a sus hijos. Walter le dice a Cielo que se va a entregar, pero le pide que se quede con todo el dinero.
Chapter 55
55. Chapter 55
September 4, 2014
Lidia busca a Walter para pedirle que la ayude a mejorar la calidad de la metanfetamina. Henry le dice a Walter que lo meterá a la cárcel, él le dice que el cáncer regresó y que no podrá encarcelarlo porque se va a morir.
Chapter 54
54. Chapter 54
September 3, 2014
Lidia le dice a Walter que lo puede ayudar a triplicar sus ganancias exportando metanfetamina a la Republica Checa. Walter manda matar a los tipos de la cárcel al mismo tiempo para que ninguno pueda reaccionar. Henry descubre que Walter trabajó con Guid
Chapter 53
53. Chapter 53
September 2, 2014
Walter le enseña a Peto el proceso para hacer la metanfetamina. Walter se entera que el abogado va a entregar a Mario y le avisa que antinarcóticos va por él. Walter le dispara a Mario y lo mata.
Chapter 52
52. Chapter 52
August 28, 2014
Jose y Mario quieren vender su parte de la metilamina, pero el comprador quiere también la de Walter. Mario encierra a Walter para que no se robe la metilamina, pero él logra escaparse.
Chapter 51
51. Chapter 51
August 27, 2014
Walter se pone a llorar frente a Henry, le dice que Cielo ya no lo quiere para distraerlo y colocar un dispositivo para espiar sus llamadas. Walter y Jose hacen un plan para robarse la metilamina.
Chapter 50
50. Chapter 50
August 26, 2014
Henry recibe la oferta de ser jefe de departamento de narcticos. Mara le propone a Walter llevarse a sus hijos para que l y Cielo tengan tiempo juntos. Cielo le dice a Walter que solo esperar a que vuelva el cncer.
Chapter 49
49. Chapter 49
August 25, 2014
Jose y Walter instalan el laboratorio en una casa que se supone ser demolida y comienzan a cocinar. Walter le cuenta a Mara que Cielo tuvo una relacin con Ernesto, por eso es que Cielo est muy mal emocionalmente.
Chapter 48
48. Chapter 48
August 21, 2014
Jose y Walter le proponen una sociedad a Mario. Henry interroga a Mario sobre su trabajo con Gustavo. Walter le dice a Sal que necesitan un nuevo laboratorio, l le dice que cambie de negocio.
Chapter 47
47. Chapter 47
August 20, 2014
Mario les dice a Walter y Jose que la computadora que tiene los videos del laboratorio est en la sala de evidencias de la polica. Jose, Walter y Mario compran un imn gigante para borrar toda la informacin de la computadora de Gustavo.
Chapter 46
46. Chapter 46
August 19, 2014
Gustavo se entera que don Hctor fue a hablar con antinarcticos, va a verlo y explota una bomba que Walter puso, matndolos a los dos. Jose y Walter destruyen el laboratorio de metanfetaminas.
Chapter 45
45. Chapter 45
August 18, 2014
Jose cree que Walter envenen a Byron para vengarse de l y le apunta con una pistola. Walter le dice a Jose que Gustavo lo manipul para que lo mate. Walter pone una bomba en el carro de Gustavo.
Chapter 44
44. Chapter 44
August 14, 2014
Henry le pide a Walter que lo lleve a investigar la lavandera donde est el laboratorio y provoca un accidente para evitarlo. Gustavo le exige a Walter que se aleje de lavandera y de Jose.
Chapter 43
43. Chapter 43
August 13, 2014
Jose les ensea a los mexicanos a cocinar metanfetamina y el jefe del crtel quiere que se quede a trabajar ah. Gustavo le regala una botella a Heladio, el jefe del crtel, con veneno para vengarse por la muerte de su amigo.
Chapter 42
42. Chapter 42
August 12, 2014
Henry descubre que Gustavo tiene 14 restaurantes de pollo y una planta, y se le hace raro que no los haya visitado, Walter le avisa a Mario. Jose le dice a Walter que Gustavo lo quiere enviar a darles la frmula a los del crtel mexicano.
Chapter 41
41. Chapter 41
August 11, 2014
Gustavo es citado para hablar sobre Guido porque sus huellas aparecieron en la casa de l. Henry no cree en la inocencia de Gustavo. Henry le pide a Walter que lo acompae a los pollos de Gustavo y le ponen un localizador a su carro.
Chapter 40
40. Chapter 40
August 7, 2014
Walter incendia el carro de Walter Jr. Jose le dice a Walter que va a matar a Gustavo. Henry investiga a Guido y sospecha que Gustavo es el jefe de la organizacin que cocina metanfetamina.
Chapter 39
39. Chapter 39
August 5, 2014
Walter le dice a Cielo que l es una pieza fundamental en la organizacin. El dueo del autolavado le entrega el negocio a Walter. Walter le compra un automvil deportivo a Walter Jr.
Chapter 38
38. Chapter 38
August 4, 2014
Cielo y Walter firman el contrato de compra-venta del autolavado. Walter le dice a Henry que Guido no era un genio y que solo estaba copiando el trabajo de alguien ms. Henry investiga de nuevo el caso de Guido.
Chapter 37
37. Chapter 37
July 31, 2014
Cielo y Walter les cuentan a Walter Jr., Henry y Mara como es que consiguieron tanto dinero. Henry le muestra a Walter la libreta de apuntes de Guido. Mario se lleva a Jose porque se est convirtiendo en un problema.
Chapter 36
36. Chapter 36
July 30, 2014
Sal, Walter y Cielo hacen un plan para que el dueo del auto lavado se lo venda ms barato. Henry recibe la copia de la libreta de Guido. Jose reparte su dinero entre los drogadictos que estn en su casa.
Chapter 35
35. Chapter 35
July 29, 2014
Walter compra un arma para protegerse. Cielo va a hablar con el dueo del auto lavado para negociar el precio. Walter le pide a Mario ayuda para matar a Gustavo, l lo golpea.
Chapter 34
34. Chapter 34
July 28, 2014
Gustavo le corta el cuello a Vctor frente a Walter, Jose y Mario. Cielo consigue que un cerrajero le abra la casa de Walter para buscarlo. Walter, Mario y Jose se deshacen del cuerpo de Vctor como desechos txicos.
Chapter 33
33. Chapter 33
July 24, 2014
Gustavo habla con Guido y le pregunta si est preparado para hacerse responsable del laboratorio. Mario cita a Walter en el laboratorio para matarlo y l les dice que les entregar a Jose, le llama para ordenarle que mate a Guido.
Chapter 32
32. Chapter 32
July 23, 2014
Walter acepta que Cielo sea parte del lavado dinero con la condicin de que lo deje ver a sus hijos. Jose va a matar a los hombres que trabajan para Gustavo porque mataron al hermano de Wendy, pero Walter los atropella antes.
Chapter 31
31. Chapter 31
July 22, 2014
Walter le entrega a Cielo un cheque con el dinero para Henry y ella quiere saber quin se lo dio, l le presenta a Sal para que le explique. Cielo le dice a Walter que nunca se divorciaron.
Chapter 30
30. Chapter 30
July 21, 2014
Walter no puede entender por qu hace falta tanto qumico en su inventario. Walter se preocupa al saber que una mosca podra arruinar sus qumicos en el laboratorio.
Chapter 29
29. Chapter 29
July 17, 2014
Cielo tells Maria that Walter gambled and won a lot of money and with that he paid for his treatment and offers money to pay the treatment of Henry.
Chapter 28
28. Chapter 28
July 16, 2014
Jose is waiting in the hospital when he sees that Henry is admitted because he received gun fires and rejoices. Gustavo gives chicken to Henry's family and offers money to support them. Gustavo tells Walter that the twin will die.
Chapter 27
27. Chapter 27
July 15, 2014
Henry follows Jose to his home and hits him unconscious, he is hospitalized. Twins attack Henry with guns, he runs over one, the other follows him, shoots Henry in the chest but he manages to kill him.
Chapter 26
26. Chapter 26
July 14, 2014
Henry follows Jose to the bus, Walter and him are inside. Henry receives a call to inform him that Maria had a car accident, but it was a trap to leave. Jose and Walter see how the truck is destroyed.
Chapter 25
25. Chapter 25
July 11, 2014
'Pollero' offers Walter a lab to cook. Walter gives his money to Jose and tells him he will cook again, but alone. Jose tells Walter that he will also cook and will be his competence.
Chapter 24
24. Chapter 24
July 10, 2014
Walter goes to Ernesto's office and tries to beat him. Jose goes with Saul and gives him the methamphetamine he cooked. The buyers pay half of the money of the meths to Jose and take the other half to Walter.
Chapter 23
23. Chapter 23
July 9, 2014
Walter teaches Cielo a suitcase full of money and explains why he cooked methamphetamine. Cielo kisses Ernesto, has sex with him and confesses to Walter.
Chapter 22
22. Chapter 22
July 8, 2014
Saul talks to Jose's parents to buy them the house of his grandmother and blackmails to sell it cheaper. The twins go to Walter home to kill him but receive a message of the poulterer which Walter makes deal with and they leave.
No More
21. No More
July 7, 2014
Cielo leads the divorce papers to Walter. Walter confesses to Cielo that he produces methamphetamine. Walter decides to leave the business for his family.
The Flight
20. The Flight
July 3, 2014
Jose tries to revive Juana. Cielo asks Walter to leave her home for lying because she found out that Marcela and Edgar never gave him money to help and never went to visit his mother.
19. Save
July 2, 2014
Walter goes to make the delivery and Maria tells him that Cielo gave birth. Walter tells Jose that he will not give him his money so he does not spend it on drugs. Walter Jr. makes a webpage for people to donate money for Walter's surgery.
Chapter 18
18. Chapter 18
July 1, 2014
Saul makes an appointment with the new distributor to meet Walter but does not want to work with him because Jose arrives late and drugged to the appointment. Walter has to deliver 17 kilograms of methamphetamine in one hour.
Chapter 17
17. Chapter 17
June 30, 2014
Cielo hosts a party to celebrate Walter's improved health. Walter sees a guy buying stuff to make drugs. He threatens them by telling them not to get into his territory.
16. Cooks
June 27, 2014
Walter tells Cielo that he wants to visit his mother, but actually will go cook with Jose. Walter and Jose cook 19 kilograms of methamphetamine. The doctor tells Walter that his tumor was reduced by 80 percent.
The Lawyer
15. The Lawyer
June 26, 2014
'Mono', one of the drug dealers, is caught by the police. Walter hires Saul, a lawyer, to help 'Mono' get out of prison. Saul proposes to Walter to be his partner.
Jaisenber (Heisenberg)
14. Jaisenber (Heisenberg)
June 25, 2014
Jose tells Walter what happened to the thieves and gives his money. Walter tells Jose that they should be expanded and tells him that people think he is a thug.
13. Boo!
June 24, 2014
Jose goes to the home of the thieves to get his money back but he only finds a child. Walter returns to teach. Walter tells Cielo that Edgar and Marcela will not pay his treatment because they are broken.
12. Rifts
June 23, 2013
Jose proposes to Walter to control the production and distribution of methamphetamine. Some guys rob to 'Tripa Seca' the money of the methamphetamine. Walter asks Jose to kill the thieves.
Chapter 11
11. Chapter 11
June 20, 2014
Jose is evicted from his home, he asks for help to Walter, but he tells him not to call back home. Jose steals his truck and parks in front of Walter's house. Walter and Jose fight to death.
Hanging in the Wind
10. Hanging in the Wind
June 19, 2014
Walter gets naked in front of all the people in a supermarket and is hospitalized. The police arrest Jose in Wendy's house, a prostitute, Henry interrogates him. Walter escapes from the hospital to go home and hide the money elsewhere.
The Salamancas
9. The Salamancas
June 18, 2014
Cielo pastes and distributes posters with the photo of Walter to find him. 'Tuco' tells Walter and Jose that they will work in Mexico. Henry arrives and mistaken for Jose. Henry kills 'Tuco' with a bullet in the head, Jose and Walter escape.
Clear Bills
8. Clear Bills
June 17, 2014
Walter uses castor seeds to kill the 'Tuco'. Henry sends a picture of Gonzo dead to Walter, Walter and Jose are firghtened because they think they are the next in the list of 'Tuco'. 'Tuco' threatens Jose and Walter and takes them with him.
For Evil
7. For Evil
June 16, 2014
Walter uses thermite to open a door and steal methylamine that he needs to make meths. Walter and Jose give the goods to 'Tuco' and see how he hits one of his men.
For Good
6. For Good
June 13, 2014
Pedrito 'Tripa seca' leads Jose to meet a Mexican drug dealer, the 'Tuco', to offer him meths, the drug dealer does not want to pay and beats him sending him to the hospital. Walter gets revenge on 'Tuco' making explode his business.
What Could Have Been
5. What Could Have Been
June 12, 2014
Walter agrees to get the treatment to keep Cielo calmed. Marcela, Edgar's wife, calls Walter to tell him to accept the money for his treatment. Walter goes to Jose's home and tells him he wants to make meths.
4. Cancer
June 11, 2014
Walter tells his family that he has lung cancer. Jose's friend proposes to sell the crystals to some rich boys. Jose goes to Walter's home to pay him half of the crystals.
Games of Chance
3. Games of Chance
June 10, 2014
Maria tells her husband that Walter Jr. is using marijuana. Walter discovers that Domingo has a piece of plate to attack him and hangs him to death.
Cat's in the Bag
2. Cat's in the Bag
June 9, 2014
Walter and his wife go to the doctor, they see the ultrasound and tell them it is a girl. Jose puts acid on Emilio's body to get rid of him, but he does it wrong and breaks the bathroom floor of his apartment.
The Beginning
1. The Beginning
June 8, 2014
Walter Blanco, a high school chemistry teacher celebrates his 50th birthday. Diagnosed with cancer, he turns to manufacturing methamphetamine to earn money for his family.
  • Premiere Date
    June 8, 2014
  • IMDB Rating
    2.5  (4,553)
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