Miracle Rising is a powerful and moving documentary series that first aired back in 2013 on H2 TV. The show is presented by the renowned journalist Christiane Amanpour, who guides viewers through the journey of South Africa's troubled past and the remarkable transformation that saw its transition to a democratic nation.
The series is divided into 10 episodes which explore various topics such as the apartheid regime, the role of Nelson Mandela, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the 1994 elections, among others. Each episode is around an hour long, and offers a mix of historical footage, expert opinions, and interviews with key figures who witnessed the events first-hand.
One of the standout features of Miracle Rising is its use of compelling footage and cinematography. The show makes great use of archival footage, capturing the key moments that shaped South Africa's history. The interviews with experts and witnesses are also particularly riveting, providing valuable insight into the events and the people involved.
One of the most powerful and inspiring stories that the show shares is the story of Nelson Mandela. The series charts his journey from political activist, to prisoner, to president. It explores his role in leading the African National Congress (ANC) from behind bars, and the pivotal role he played in the negotiations that led to the end of apartheid. The show also touches on the importance of reconciliation, which was a key part of Mandela's philosophy and vision for South Africa.
Miracle Rising also examines the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which was established following the end of apartheid. The TRC was a unique initiative that aimed to bring together those who had committed crimes during the apartheid era, and their victims. The series explores the challenges that the TRC faced, and the implications of this process on the lives of those who participated.
Another unique aspect of Miracle Rising is its focus on music and the arts. The series showcases the powerful role that music played in mobilizing the anti-apartheid movement, and the role it continues to play in South Africa today. The show features interviews with musicians such as Bono from U2, who shares his own personal experiences of the country and its music scene.
Overall, Miracle Rising is a powerful and inspiring documentary series that offers a unique perspective on South Africa's journey to democracy. The show is expertly crafted, with excellent production values and a powerful narrative that will leave viewers both informed and moved. The interviews with key figures and experts provide valuable insights, while the archival footage and inspiring stories of resilience and hope will leave viewers feeling inspired and uplifted.