Susanna is a 12-episode drama web series from 2013 released on WIGS, an innovative digital channel dedicated to providing high-quality, scripted series with a strong focus on female characters. Globally celebrated actress Maggie Grace of 'Lost' and 'Taken' fame, and Anna Paquin, who rose to stardom with 'True Blood', come together to deliver gripping performances in this online series.
The story unfolds as Katie (Grace), a hardworking, independent, 20-something single mom, who, amidst putting together the pieces of her own life, is suddenly burdened with the responsibility of caring for her younger sister, Susanna (Paquin), after she falls into a deep postpartum depression following the birth of her child.
Stories of sibling relationships have been told on screen many times before, but Susanna stands out due to its deep dive into mental health. The showmasterfully displays the struggles of postnatal depression and its effects not just on the person suffering from it, but also on their close family and surroundings. The series provides a careful and sensitive treatment of a delicate subject matter often overlooked and stigmatized in the world of scripted television.
Without spoiling the plot, viewers can expect a mix of hope, despair, redemption, and real life struggles within the sibling relationship that forms the central pillar of Susanna. The series stands out in its ability to balance the everyday realities of modern womanhood and working professionals in society, and its nuanced portrayal of mental health topics.
Grace plays the role of Katie with sensitivity and resolve. She portrays a young woman grappling with her new-found responsibilities of motherhood and as the caretaker of her sister immaculately. On the other hand, Paquin as Susanna delivers a profoundly moving portrayal of a woman battling postpartum depression. Their on-screen chemistry reflects the tensions and bonds inherent in familial relationships.
Despite its serious theme, the show utilizes the short web series format with skilled precision that manages to convey a full-fledged narrative in bite-sized episodes. While this particular format might seem oblique to some viewers accustomed to conventional television, it is executed in such a delicate way that it lends itself easily to binge-watching or fitting into the viewer's everyday television consumption patterns.
Away from the leading actresses, the show is bolstered by a strong supporting cast. From Paquin's on-screen newborn to the people navigating around the lives of Katie and Susanna, they all add depth to the story. Among the supporting characters is Katie's boss, Kevin, a role adeptly played by Rob Benedict. His relationship with Katie is marked by respect, and it illuminates the tough decisions that working women sometimes face when juggling their personal and professional lives.
In addition to its engaging narrative and impressive performances, Susanna's importance is in its underlying social commentary, successfully shedding light on the often ignored topic of postnatal depression. In doing so, it succeeds in opening up a conversation around the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health issues in society.
In a nutshell, Susanna is a compelling watch and an important contribution to the landscape of female-centric shows. It tells a story of challenge and resilience, touching upon contemporary social issues, while offering high-quality storytelling and top-notch acting performances. While the plot is dramatic and at times heart-wrenching, it is also marked by moments of hope, making Susanna an engaging series that resonates with viewers on a deep, emotional level. Viewers will likely find themselves engrossed in the story, relating to the characters, and sparking conversations about the themes the show brings to light. Susanna, while adhering to the signature quality expected from WIGS productions, has rightfully earned its place as one of their stand-out shows.