The 4400 is a science fiction television series that aired on USA Network from 2004 to 2007. Set in Seattle, the show follows the lives of 4400 people who were abducted by aliens over the course of several decades and mysteriously returned to Earth in a single moment. Each of the 4400 has been imbued with special abilities that they did not possess before their abduction.
The series begins with the return of the missing 4400 individuals, who have no memory of their time away from Earth. As they try to adjust to their new lives, they realize that they have been given unique abilities that range from healing to telekinesis to time travel. The returnees are soon faced with the challenge of trying to reintegrate themselves into society after having been absent for so long.
The show follows a government agency known as NTAC (National Threat Assessment Command) as they investigate the returnees and their abilities. NTAC is headed by Tom Baldwin (Joel Gretsch), a widowed father who is struggling to adapt to life without his wife. He is joined by Diana Skouris (Jacqueline McKenzie), a no-nonsense agent who takes her job very seriously.
The show's cast also includes some notable guest stars, such as Summer Glau, who plays Tess Doerner, a returnee who can see the future; and Jeffrey Combs, who plays Kevin Burkhoff, a scientist who worked on the alien experiments that led to the 4400's abilities.
One of the key themes of the show is the struggle that the 4400 face as they try to reintegrate into society. Many of them have lost loved ones, jobs, and homes, and they are forced to rebuild their lives from scratch. The show also examines the impact that the 4400 have on the people around them, as some view them as a threat to society while others see them as saviors.
Another theme that runs throughout the series is the idea of destiny and free will. Many of the returnees believe that they have been brought back for a specific purpose, while others believe that they have been given a second chance to make something of their lives. The show's exploration of these themes is thought-provoking and adds depth to the sci-fi elements of the show.
The 4400 also features a number of subplots that keep the show interesting from episode to episode. For example, one of the main characters, Kyle Baldwin (Chad Faust), Tom's nephew, is believed to be one of the returnees but is never officially recognized by NTAC. Kyle's storyline is particularly interesting as it explores the idea of what it means to be "different" in a society that values conformity.
Throughout the series, the 4400 and the government agency that investigates them are constantly faced with new challenges and obstacles. These include other returnees who have turned their abilities to nefarious purposes and a group of people who believe that the 4400 are "the chosen ones" and must be protected at all costs.
The show's final season explores the origins of the 4400 and the true nature of their abilities. The government agency that once sought to understand and control the returnees is now in shambles, and the 4400 are left to fend for themselves against a new threat that emerges.
Overall, The 4400 is a captivating sci-fi series that explores complex themes while also delivering thrilling action and a compelling storyline. The show's impressive cast and consistently strong writing make it a must-watch for fans of the genre.