Watch Tip Top - Shows for Children

  • 1969
  • 1 Season

Tip Top is timeless entertainment for toddlers. The bright colors, funny designs and simple stories will appeal to tiny tots everywhere. Tip and Top both live in the same house deep in a beautiful forest. Every day they go outside and somehow manage to make a little adventure out of everything. The series teaches a few moral and practical lessons without being in any way didactic.

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Tip & Top Embark upon a Treasure Hunt
13. Tip & Top Embark upon a Treasure Hunt
In this exciting episode of Tip Top, the two friends get hold of a treasure map on one sunny morning. Oh what fun! So both Tip & Top embark upon a new adventure to find some hidden treasure. So come on board this new quest that is sure going to be memorable.
Tip and Top's Mushroom Adventure
12. Tip and Top's Mushroom Adventure
It's another beautiful day so Tip & Top set out to find some tasty mushrooms in the forest. But they get more than they bargained for, the largest mushroom they've ever seen before. So together they pull on the mushroom they found until it pops up straight from the ground. Now they have more than enough for their supper.
A Very Frozen Adventure
11. A Very Frozen Adventure
On a cold winter's morning Tip and Top seek out a new adventure. But what can they do on such a cold day? Just then they come upon a frozen lake and decide to skate. But poor Top doesn't know how so it's up to Tip to teach him. Soon Top is able to skate on his own but gets tired too soon. So Tip comes up with a plan to help Top, and now his need to skate comes to a stop.
Snowballs and Snowmen
10. Snowballs and Snowmen
Tip and Top embark upon another adventure in the snow. Oh what fun they have making snowballs. But the fun is just beginning for them. Watch as they try to push the snowball up the hill and later make snowmen.
Sliding Through the Snow
9. Sliding Through the Snow
Tip and Top get a wonderful surprise when they find a sleigh in the forest. With so much snow on the ground what fun they have taking turns pushing the sleigh.
A Serious Case of the Hiccups
8. A Serious Case of the Hiccups
It seems Top has not learnt his lesson. In an act of greed and selfishness, Top finishes all the berries that Tip is picking from the bushes and gets a case of the hiccups.
Top Has a Pitfall
7. Top Has a Pitfall
Being mischievous results in Top falling into a pit. Top learns an important lesson that michievous people always get into trouble.
Tip & Top Find a Telescope
6. Tip & Top Find a Telescope
Tip and Top are surprised to find a box at the door step. But what is inside the box? It's a telescope. Now they can see as far as the hill. But their adventure does not stop there. Tip and Top spot a flag on the hill and decide to plant their own flag. What fun!
Always Respect Other People's Belongings
5. Always Respect Other People's Belongings
In this episode of Tip Top, naughty Top is up to his usual mischief. He takes Tip's car without his permission, rides it and finally crashes it. Oh dear now what? Top tries to fix the cart but does it happen? Take a look.
True Friends Always Help Each Other
4. True Friends Always Help Each Other
After breaking a seesaw that they found in the forest, Top falls into depression. A concerned Tip helps out his friend and makes him happy again.
Top Gets Lost in the Dark
3. Top Gets Lost in the Dark
After many hours of play in the forest Tip and Top are on their way back home because it was getting dark. Top however, gets distracted, remains in the forest and gets lost in the dark. It is up to Tip now to find Top.
Sharing is Caring
2. Sharing is Caring
One must always share things with other people. After Top discovers a balloon in the bushes he doesn't like sharing it with Tip. However, after Tip helps Top get the balloon down from the tree Top has a change of heart.
Greed Never Pays
1. Greed Never Pays
Too much greed results in nothing. Top was so greedy that he didn't think for a second about sharing an apple with Tip. Tip gets very upset with Top's selfishness.

Tip Top is timeless entertainment for toddlers. The bright colors, funny designs and simple stories will appeal to tiny tots everywhere. Tip and Top both live in the same house deep in a beautiful forest. Every day they go outside and somehow manage to make a little adventure out of everything. The series teaches a few moral and practical lessons without being in any way didactic.

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