Trading Spouses was a reality TV show that aired on FOX from 2004 to 2007. The show revolves around two families who trade one of their family members for a few days to experience a different way of life. The show garnered a lot of popularity due to its unique concept and the drama that ensued when two vastly different families were forced to coexist. Trading Spouses was hosted by Marguerite Perrin, Jeanne Marie D'Amico, and Emma Rose Levy in different seasons.
The show begins with introduction of two families who agree to swap their family members for a week. During this time, the swapped-in family member needs to follow the host family's rules and routines. At the end of the week, the families reunite for a "face-to-face" meeting to discuss the experience.
Trading Spouses is a controversial show as it often paired families with drastically different lifestyles and values. The show frequently explored themes of class, religion, and politics.
Some of the most memorable moments on Trading Spouses include a Christian mother being swapped with a Wiccan mother, leading to tensions between the families, and an orthodox Jewish mom being swapped with a New Age spiritualist leading to both learning about different religions.
One of the show's most dramatic moments occurred in the episode featuring the Stockdale Family, where the mother of the family, Marguerite Perrin, was placed in a household that had different political beliefs from her own. Her conservative views clashed with the liberal views of the family she was placed with, leading to arguments and heated debates.
In another episode, a vegan woman was swapped with a family who owned a hunting lodge, leading to tension and conflict between the two families over their differing opinions on animal rights.
Throughout the show, the families were given a stipend for their participation, and host families were given extra money to cover the cost of any specialized diets or activities that their temporary family member required.
Despite its popularity, Trading Spouses was discontinued in 2007 after controversy surrounding an episode that aired in 2006. In the episode, a woman was swapped with a family who lived in a nudist colony. Despite the show blurring out all explicit nudity, many viewers were upset by the episode's content, leading to its cancellation.
Overall, Trading Spouses was a groundbreaking reality show that explored themes of class, religion, and politics through its unique premise of swapping family members. While the show faced controversy, it remains a memorable and entertaining example of early 2000s reality television.