Your Inner Fish, a 2014 PBS series, is a fascinating exploration of human evolution and the connections we share with all living creatures. Based on the bestselling book by paleontologist Neil Shubin, the show takes viewers on a journey through deep time to uncover the origins of some of our most remarkable characteristics.
The series is presented by Shubin himself, who serves as our guide through the story of life on Earth. He is joined by a cast of experts, including biologist Michael Berryman and paleoanthropologist Tim D. White.
Throughout the show, Shubin and his team draw connections between our bodies and those of our evolutionary ancestors, highlighting the ways in which we have evolved from creatures that existed millions, and even billions, of years ago. They explore the origins of our senses, our limbs, and our brains, showing how these complex features arose through a long process of trial and error.
One of the many fascinating parts of Your Inner Fish is the way in which the show uses cutting-edge scientific research to tell its story. Shubin and his team use a variety of techniques to uncover the secrets of our evolutionary past, including deep-sea diving, fossil hunting, and genetic analysis. Along the way, they make exciting discoveries that shed new light on the origins of various features of our bodies.
Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Your Inner Fish is the way in which it helps us to see our own bodies in a new light. Through their investigations, Shubin and his team reveal that our bodies are not just the result of random chance, but the product of millions of years of painstaking evolutionary work. They show us that the same features that make us uniquely human
Your Inner Fish is a series that ran for 1 seasons (3 episodes) between April 23, 2014 and on PBS